Sunday, January 20, 2013

3 Months Old !

My baby boy is 3 months old...How did this happen ?! He is getting so big....but with that said it is very true that I love each stage even more than the last. This past month has been a particularly hard month for me. I had to go back to work when Bowen was 11 weeks old. I seriously thought it was going to kill me to be away from him. I am still adjusting, but it has gotten better. This past month we hit a lot of milestones and had quite a few firsts! It is unreal how proud and excited Casey & I get when something new happens. Yes, we are already those parents that brag haha. Bowen is our little sunshine & no matter what else is going on he can always put a smile on my face! I look forward to every time I get to see that beautiful little face.

This past month Bowen has:

-Started sleeping flat in his crib at night. He is not sleeping through the night like he was when he was inclined but we have to break the habbit at some point. Like clock work Bowen goes to bed around 9 and wakes up at 2:30 am and between 5:30 & 6 a.m. every day.

- had his 1st Christmas ( Thank you to all of our family & friends for making his 1st Christmas something special ) We started several new traditions. Santa cookies, reindeer water , etc.

- started to love his bumbo seat ! He loves to watch the TV !

- still wearing size 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers

- Rolled over from tummy to back on Jan. 5th !!!!! enjoys tummy time now

- Rolled over from back to belly on Jan 12th totally suprised Casey and I.

- Bowen still has to be swaddled at night to sleep. I asked the Pediatrician about it and she told me not to worry about that he will outgrow it but for now if he likes it then keep it up!

- We took Bowen for his "sick" doctor appointment on Wednesday Jan. 16th because he had a horrible night screaming and not being himself so we wanted to check for an ear infection or something but he was all good...! We are now thinking that the transition from Enfamil Newborn to regular Enfamil has upset his tummy so we might have to try a different kind of formula.

Bowen is our world. With each and every day he amazes me more and more! I love to hear him use his little voice and smile at me. & I still love it when he is upset or fussy that his mommy makes it all better, makes me feel like he knows he is very loved and definitely knows my touch.

Looking forward to what happens over the next month :) <3

Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas Adventures 2012

This was a very special Christmas for Casey & I because it was our little Bowen's very 1st Christmas. And unlike most people that only have one or two days of Christmas ...we had 5 days of Christmas events :) I am not complaining though, we are blessed to having such amazing family and friends for Bowen to grow up around. Casey & I went all out on Christmas this year for Bowen. We know that he doesn't understand this year but it meant a lot to us that Bowen started new traditions with us this year. Growing up I always loved Christmas and didn't think it could ever get better than the year before, but now with having a child of my own I can honestly say that this Christmas was the best of them all. I'm sure with each and every year that God blesses me with my sweet boy I will say the same thing. Jesus is the reason for the season...and I can not thank him enough for giving Casey & I a beautiful baby boy. Bowen truly is my little sunshine.

Our first Christmas function was on December 20th... It was a Christmas Party with a few of the girls that I played softball with in High School. It is so nice to catch up with them every year. This year several great things happened, I had Bowen, Jessica had Jayla, Jill graduated and has a good job, Courtney graduated nursing school , Kayla got a new job that she likes, Paige started her last year of college and softball, Shelby is about to start her student teaching and Brit is doing AWESOME in nursing and will graduate in May with her bachelors. We are all growing up :) It's so neat to think we were all just kids that loved softball and now we are finding our way in life. Everyone loved meeting Bowen and Jayla. Bowen now has lots of pretty girlfriends :) Can't wait to get together with all of these special ladies again!

Casey, Bowen & I made cookies for Santa on the 21st :) Can't you tell, Bowen really enjoyed it. I was so happy to start this tradition with Bowen. Casey & I had a blast.

On December 22nd, We had Christmas with my Aunt Rhonda, Uncle Mark, Sydney, Corey, Adrianna, Rex, Jeremy, Kaitlyn, my parents, and my brother and his family. Seeing Drake, Hunter and Rex play together and love on Bowen was precious. They love Bowen... They will walk around screaming "BAYYYYBEEEEEE" then randomly come up and want to kiss him. Bowen will love having cousins to play with as he grows up.

The 23rd was a day filled with family ! We started out the afternoon with Casey's family, Nana , Julie, Fallon, Stephanie, Renee' & Stephen ! Because Thanksgiving was a bust for me I was so glad to see everyone interact with Bowen. We also got some great news from Steph : SHE'S ENGAGED ! We are so happy for her and Terry ! I loved getting together with this side of the family. This was Bowen's 1st time at his Nana's house :) Bowen decided it was nap time every time it was time to open presents lol so he slept through all the excitement...but that's OK !

After that on the 23rd, we went to my parents house to open gifts with them, Brandon & Ash , Drake and Hunter & Nanny & Pop. All of us kids were excited for Dad to open his gift because we all went in together and got him a Alabama engraved knife. He loved it :) We let from there and went to Houston Zoo Lights ! That was an event in itself. Parking was horrible, and the line to get in was forever long but we all made it in and it was worth the wait! Drake and Hunter got light up sword things that they totally loved ! Bowen would open his eyes so big because of all the colorful lights. A memory we will remember forever !

December 24th ( Christmas Eve ) All of the family on my side came to our house for lunch and gifts. It's always a blast having this group together. Next year Luke will be in this picture !

Christmas Eve night we set out Santa's Cookies, water for the reindeer and read Twas The Night Before Christmas. All new traditions for my little boy.

We woke up Christmas morning at 6 am & Santa came to our house!!! He left Bowen lots of goodies.. Bowen must have been a really good boy. I loved seeing my baby boy smile on Christmas morning.


Around 11 a.m. we loaded up and headed to Casey's parents house for Christmas with them. We tried to hurry because David and Eric were beyond ready for gifts lol. Poor guys now have to wait on us. Bowen got awesome things from Gram, PeePaw, Eric, David & Nana. But most importantly he is very loved. What a wonderful day it was!

Bowen's first Christmas will be something I cherish forever! I am really looking forward to the years to come. Thanks to ALL our family for making Bowen's 1st Christmas the best it possibly could be. We love each and every one of you more than you know. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!