Saturday, December 28, 2013

My life as a Mommy, Christmas and Bowen's 2nd surgery !

Bowen is growing so quickly. He is already a little over 14 months old! Life over this past year has literally flown by, I have to really really think hard to remember my little boy as a 7 lb 14 oz  baby.

The whole time I was pregnant with Bowen I assumed that I knew exactly what being a mother would be like. But boy was I wrong ..! I could have never dreamed how wonderful, demanding , and how big of a blessing being a mother is. There are times I catch myself just looking at Bowen in amazement. How did Casey and I create this beautiful little boy? All i know is , Bowen is my miracle. I thank God for him and pray that I can always be the mother to him that he deserves and the mother that the Lord knows I can be.

Don't get me wrong, I am not claiming that motherhood is always easy and full of laugh and giggles every day. In fact, from about 13 months to 14 months Bowen went through this stage that nothing made him happy. From the time I would pick him after work to the time he went to bed, he was a total fuss bucket. At first, I thought maybe he was teething, but teething had never been this bad for Bowen. So once Tylenol wasn't doing the trick I thought maybe he was getting sick. Took him to the doctor and all was well. From there we tried everything...peek a boo, literally on our hands and knees trying to play with anything and everything, playing outside , long baths. I am not exaggerating when I say we tried everything and nothing seemed to help. I felt like such a failure. I would go to lay in bed at night and cry. What was wrong with my baby and why couldn't I figure it out.? I wanted to make him happy. I would pray that I was doing things right and I wasn't the cause of Bowen's unhappiness. Finally I called my sister n law and asked her if the twins ever went through a phase like this and she assured me it was totally normal and that it will pass. And finally it did.....But with that said, I wouldn't change a single thing because even through that it help me grow as a mother ( & hopefully when we decide for baby number 2 I will know this stage is coming lol )

More than anything, being Bowen's Mommy is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He more than anyone else has taught me so much. One of my huge flaws as a person and wife before having Bowen was PATIENCE. I seriously had none. Now, I feel that it is much better, not perfect but so much better. Bowen is the sweetest. He loves to give kisses!! Open mouth kisses and I adore them !!! He is becoming so independent. He will play with Casey and I for a while and then he will go to the playroom and he wants time to play by himself. He wants to try to feed himself ( we make a holy mess but its fun :) ) One of the things I love is that now he will come and hold my hand & take me where he wants to go. There is just something about those little tiny fingers around mine that melts me. Many people have asked us when we want to have another baby and we don't exactly have an answer, but we do know that right now our hearts are filled with so much love for Bowen that we are not in any rush. When the time is right the Lord will let us know.

Bowen now says many words and will mimic almost anything we say.

Mama, DaDa, MeMe, PawPaw, Nanny, Pop, Nana, D for uncle David, Eat , Please, thank you, Dixie, Rebel, bye bye , hi ,cheese, love you, good, night night, diaper, dog, bath and im sure a few more !

He weighs roughly 22 pounds

He loves to play in my Tupperware 

He is still in size 4 diapers and wears size 12 month clothes and size 4 shoes

Bowen had his second surgery due to being born with hypospadias on December 19th. 5 days after surgery the doctor said everything looked great but as of today I am not sure its all healing right. I'm trying to be hopeful. poor baby has gone through enough.

Christmas this year was beyond amazing for Bowen. He is one loved and blessed little boy. Our house has become Toys R Us but that's perfectly fine with me. It's Bowen's world and we just live in it -haha - With each and every year I know Christmas's will only get much more fun and magical.

I love you Bowen Michael....You are my sunshine.

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