Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bowen Michael is 2 !

I am a little late on writing this blog :/ We have had some big things take place since Bowen turned two so I guess it will just have to be ok this time! October was a crazy month for us. We all caught a NASTY tummy bug for the 1st week, then Bowen's 2nd Birthday Party was on October 12th & then came Halloween ( and decorating for Christmas ). November flew by with more birthday parties and Thanksgiving and December was Deer Lease trips and a Disney Trip!( separate post to follow soon ).

We decided to do Bowen's party theme as Finding Nemo because in the month or so leading up to his party that was the ONLY thing he would watch on TV. Literally nothing else! Casey and I can recite every line of Finding Nemo with our eyes closed. Anyways, the party was a total hit. He loved all of the décor and cake. We are so very blessed and thankful for our family and friends that came to celebrate this milestone with us. Our little Bowen is so very loved and as a parent that is all I can ask for.

Bowen is a ball of fire! From the time he opens his eyes he is on the go. He still loves to vacuum, play outside , play games on the ipad, & hang out with his cousins! The term "ALL BOY' fits perfectly. He keeps me on my toes that's for sure!

His vocabulary is unreal. Full sentences, and he can carry on any conversation. In fact, he is quite bossy. There are times he makes me question who the boss is -ha-ha- .

He can count to 10 and sing his ABC's.

He wears size 2T clothes.

Only wears a pull up when he sleeps.

He has developed a LOVE for macaroni and cheese...anytime we ask him what he wants for dinner that's his answer.

Just recently Bowen ventured out and started watching TV. He now enjoys Nemo, Calliou, Frozen, Mickey, Paw Patrol, Toy Story, Barney,  and Super Y !! He will finally sit and watch a full movie :)

Bowen has a new cousin, Gavyn, and he wants to hold and feed baby Gavyn anytime he is around. It is the sweetest thing to watch.

Naps are still a MUST.

Bowen only weighs 27 pounds.

Life with a toddler can be challenging but its my biggest blessing and the most fun I have ever had. Nothing that I have done in my past or will do in my future will compare to being a mommy and watching your miracle grow into the most precious little boy. My heart is happy and I know I am right where I need to be.

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