Sunday, January 20, 2013

3 Months Old !

My baby boy is 3 months old...How did this happen ?! He is getting so big....but with that said it is very true that I love each stage even more than the last. This past month has been a particularly hard month for me. I had to go back to work when Bowen was 11 weeks old. I seriously thought it was going to kill me to be away from him. I am still adjusting, but it has gotten better. This past month we hit a lot of milestones and had quite a few firsts! It is unreal how proud and excited Casey & I get when something new happens. Yes, we are already those parents that brag haha. Bowen is our little sunshine & no matter what else is going on he can always put a smile on my face! I look forward to every time I get to see that beautiful little face.

This past month Bowen has:

-Started sleeping flat in his crib at night. He is not sleeping through the night like he was when he was inclined but we have to break the habbit at some point. Like clock work Bowen goes to bed around 9 and wakes up at 2:30 am and between 5:30 & 6 a.m. every day.

- had his 1st Christmas ( Thank you to all of our family & friends for making his 1st Christmas something special ) We started several new traditions. Santa cookies, reindeer water , etc.

- started to love his bumbo seat ! He loves to watch the TV !

- still wearing size 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers

- Rolled over from tummy to back on Jan. 5th !!!!! enjoys tummy time now

- Rolled over from back to belly on Jan 12th totally suprised Casey and I.

- Bowen still has to be swaddled at night to sleep. I asked the Pediatrician about it and she told me not to worry about that he will outgrow it but for now if he likes it then keep it up!

- We took Bowen for his "sick" doctor appointment on Wednesday Jan. 16th because he had a horrible night screaming and not being himself so we wanted to check for an ear infection or something but he was all good...! We are now thinking that the transition from Enfamil Newborn to regular Enfamil has upset his tummy so we might have to try a different kind of formula.

Bowen is our world. With each and every day he amazes me more and more! I love to hear him use his little voice and smile at me. & I still love it when he is upset or fussy that his mommy makes it all better, makes me feel like he knows he is very loved and definitely knows my touch.

Looking forward to what happens over the next month :) <3

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